On the 1st of June 2021, eNOTICE and SHOTPROS organised a joint webinar about CBRN and Virtual Reality training. The schedule and topics of the webinar are presented here:
The Schedule
Time | Topic | Speaker |
20 minutes | Introductions eNOTICE and SHOTPROS (10 min per project) | UCL (Olga Vybornova) and USECON (Markus Murtinger) |
30 minutes | CBRN and VR training | USECON (Markus Murtinger) |
30 minutes | CBRN and VR training | METU (Elif Surer) |
30 minutes | The Augmented Person | AIT (Georg Regal) |
30 minutes | Experience with and expectations of VR | ARMINES (Gilles Dusserre) |
15 minutes | Questions | All |
The main goal of this joint webinar was to examine how VR can be used to train for CBRN incidents. Subjects that were addressed were the requirements for VR training, the augmented person, possible gaps that can exist in real life CBRN exercises and how VR could possibly fill those gaps, and how VR is currently being used for CBRN training.
The webinar