Latest Past Events

Webinar: VR requirements engineering

This event has already passed This webinar highlights how end-user needs and experiences are being converted to technical requirements for the VR curriculum. Doing this will make sure that the curriculum that is being developed is suited to the needs of end-users, which will increase the impact of the VR training.  

Webinar: VR training concepts

This event has already passed This webinar introduces some key concepts that are used to create the VR training and curriculum. It specifically focusses on the human factor model of decision making and acting during high-risk, high-stress situations. The expected impact is a VR training curriculum that allows police officers to train in simulated high stress environments.  

Webinar: Future context of VR & Police

Except for training, VR can be used by law enforcement agencies in many other domains such as crime scene investigation, surveillance, interrogation etc. This webinar expounds on the different ways VR will be used in the future of policing.  

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